

Sagging cheeks can be a very frustrating issue for patients. The core of the problem is that contour plays a big role in how our face looks. When age causes the cheeks to become hollow and exhibit a sagging effect, the result isn’t just a sign of aging skin, but a change in a person’s facial contours. The transformation can be quite unnerving to some individuals, so much so that many patients who visit Life Studios suggest that they no longer recognize their own reflection in the mirror.

Let’s take a closer look at why the cheeks begin to sag and what you can do about it.

Why we get Sagging Cheeks

The cheeks play a big role in how our face appears to others. In our early years, the cheeks typically have a fuller, more defined appearance. This is vital to how the face looks because it provides aesthetically-pleasing contours that create a smooth visual transition from one part of the face to another.

With age, however, several biological processes effect significant changes that lead to sagging cheeks:

  • Loss of Skin Elasticity:  One reason for sagging cheeks is the depletion of the collagen support network that keeps the skin taut. When we are young, the collagen fibers are plentiful and are tightly intertwined together to keep our skin firm. Over time, this network deteriorates and the skin is no longer as effective at fighting gravity. Extensive time outdoors can lead to UV skin damage that further increases collagen damage. This leads to sagging cheeks that fundamentally change facial contours.
  • Tissue Migration:  Another factor in the development of sagging cheeks is the gradual downward migration of various tissues in the face. This is caused by the constant pull of gravity. In our earlier years, this isn’t a problem. But over time, the underlying tissues lose their ability to withstand this constant force.
  • Fat Depletion:  Sagging cheeks also occur due to the gradual depletion of fatty layers in the face. The fat is very important in facial contours because it provides support to the skin. When fat volume decreases, the cheeks begin to look hollow.

Treating Sagging Cheeks

Life Studios can help patients reclaim their youthful facial contours with a variety of minimally-invasive treatments.

  • Ultherapy:  The idea behind Ultherapy is to strengthen the skin’s natural support network by heating up the collagen fibers. This makes the fibers stronger and promotes the growth of new collagen. Additionally, Ultherapy increases the amount of hyaluronic acid in the area, which creates a plumping appearance due to increased moisture. Further, the treatments are highly customizable because your Life Studios provider can first utilize ultrasound to create a skin damage map before treatment. By identifying specific areas around the face where collagen damage has occurred, your provider can create an effective treatment plan for sagging cheeks. Learn More
  • Skin Care Routine:  Additionally, your Life Studios provider can suggest a number of skin care routine changes to improve overall skin health. This is a very important aspect of treating sagging cheeks, as proper skin nourishment and UV damage prevention can make the skin’s collagen network more resilient. Early adoption of a proper skin regimen will prolong the need for treatment.

Sagging Cheeks: Beyond the Aesthetics

When talking about treatments for sagging cheeks, it’s important to note that your aesthetic goals aren’t just about how you look. The most important part is how you feel and your self-confidence.

Therefore, your Life Studios provider will act as a partner who listens to your goals and concerns, so that together you can develop a treatment plan that fits your goals and achieves a happier you.

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The expert providers at Life Studios are here to help you. Just give us a call at (916) 797-1878, or use the contact form to send us a note.


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